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Proiectul „Atelier pentru reparatii si distributie gratuite dispozitive si alte mijloace ajutatoare”, denumit Atelier service




Pregatirea Pomului de Craciun

În perioada 15 noiembrie - 20 decembrie, în filialele ASCHF-R se vor face pregătiri pentru organizarea serbărilor Pomului de Crăciun, destinate copiilor/tinerilor cu dizabilități.


Pregatiri pentru 3 decembrie

În perioada 1 -30 noiembrie, în filialele ASCHF-R, se vor face pregătiri pentru serbarea zilei de 3 Decembrie - ”Ziua Internațională a Persoanelor cu Dizabilități.






     Presentation ASCHFR

History of ASCHF-R

• January -   Mr. Dr. Nicolae RobÄ�nescu initiative has established an organization of parents of disabled children and young people in care, which act to regulate the rights and facilities.
• 22 January - Association of Support for Disabled Children has been established, within the Department of Clinical Recovery Hospital Titan, Bucharest. The founding members were parents who were hospitalized and some of those attending the recovery department.
• April 24, Hospital auditorium Titan - the first General Assembly took place, with participants from across the country.


Quotes from the first report We proclaim the major goal and priority of our Association winning human dignity of persons with disabilities, the issue of dependency, ending the policy of their marginalization.
The legislation to protect disabled persons that we will ask is part of the society’s debts to the disadvantaged people. In turn, these members must contribute with all their powers to their social integration in order to receive with dignity the help offerd by society.



• May - courtesy of the Embassy of Poland and the Solidarity trade union, 25 children with disabilities went to Poland, Jastrebie Zdroj Hospital for recovery and rest.
• The first two newsletters are printed.

We must convince us that we must help ourselves: to teach these children what it dignity means, that they belong to a society which has responsibilities towards them, but that they, in turn, have responsibilities to society and do not beg but they claim their natural rights in any advanced society. HELP YOURSELF FIRST AND THE OTHERS WILL HELP YOU!

• is established the collaboration with Radda Barnen (Save the Children) in Sweden and Rorelse Kindrade Barnoch Ungdomar (RBU), an organization of parents with dependent children and youth with disabilities, like our organization. 


• 2 representatives of organization Radda Barnen supported the development of the organization for the entire year.
• April 22nd , 1991 - Second General Assembly

• June 8 - Association members participating in the first Special Olympics, Youth Stadium.
• Is the association issued a full post - postal envelope + stamp + first day stamp.
• 3 newsletters appeared.
• the Organization is involved in lobbying for a special law and make proposals on the personal assistant to the person with severe disabilities.
• is established the cooperation with the organization Handicap International in France.
• are established branches in Arges, Prahova and Bacau.

• is established Olt branch
• May 6th - members of organizations participating in the demonstration outside parliament to speed up the approval of the Law on special protection which was discussed in the Chamber of Deputies. The result: Law 53 was approved and entered into force in June 1992.
• May 30th   - takes place the first international symposium on the topic: The medico-psycho-social recovery of physically disabled children, 70 participants, Children's Palace.
• July 5th, Bucharest - First Congress: ASCHF becomes ASCHF – R, national organization made up of branches.
• it begun the summer camp for children and families at Bala, Mehedinti County and Mamaia, Constanta county, with the cooperation and support of the Organization of parents of children with disabilities (RBU) from Sweden.
• The newsletter becomes quarterly.



• are established branches in Bucharest and Constanta.
• is established SC Mustang ASCHF SRL for the production of wheelchairs.
• fundraising campaign to establish a day care center (initiative resulted from the collaboration with Handicap International) for children with physical and associated disabilities.
• is held Accessibility and prosthetic exhibition, attended by a large number of prosthetic companies in Romania and Sweden.
• December 2nd – is held a lottery to raise funds for the establishment of day care center.



• International Year of the Family - Theme: Family, resources and responsibilities in a world in motion
• U.S. Embassy is funding a project on the status of implementation of Law no. 53/1992. In the project, are visited by social workers and social work students 389 families with the purpose of collecting information from law enforcement.
• is being published Evaluation of the implementation of Law no. 53/1992 on special protection of handicapped persons in 2,000 copies, published with financial and logistical support of the Special Representative of UNICEF in Romania.
• is established the cooperation with APF (Association des Paralises de France) - France a very active organization of people in wheelchairs in social inclusion,.
• September 15th to 17th - is established the National Organization of People with Disabilities in Romania (ONPHR) who ASCHF-R became a founding member.
• Bu-Bu appears, a journal published by adolescents ASCHF-R


• are produced and distributed 200 wheelchairs Mustang.
• Partners in Development Programme in collaboration with Parent’s Organization in Belarus.
• fundraising campaign for Mustang, camp, day care center and office facilities.
• November 1995 – is opened Aurora day care center, established by ASCHF-R and Handicap International France.

• is established Buzau branch.


• October 18th to 20th - the first National conference for parents Children are growing, under the patronage of doctor Nicolae RobÄ�nescu. Conference aims to answer parents' interest to meet with specialists in another setting than the hospital. Children are growing, the problems are increasing, and increasing the concerns of parents. Attendence from Romania, Sweden, Belarus, Moldova. Conference Theme: Spina Bifida.
• May 5th - the association is one of the organizers of the March of Solidarity, the European Day of Awareness for Equal Rights and Against Discrimination.


• January, is organized ASCHF Week, a series of events celebrating the anniversary of seven years of existence (meetings with members, NGOs, representatives of public authorities, exhibitions of drawings and photographs of children and youth members ASCHF-R, a workshop and a show).
• September 1997 to August 1998 is developed the project Hot-line and direct services, financed by the PHARE - European Union Lien. The overall objective of the project: Interactive telephone communication between the association and beneficiaries, direct settlement of claims through direct services. There were 353 families contacted by phone and have made 202 visits. 145 families were informed about their rights and how to acquire them.
• 12 November - was inaugurated Nova Day Centre, Pitesti.

• ASCHF-R became a founding member of the Federation of Nongovernmental Organizations for Child Protection (FONPC).
• is established Valcea branch.
• 2nd Parent’s National Conference of Cerebral palsy – severe cases. There were 29 invited specialists from Romania and Sweden. Following the conference it was decided that ASCHF-R to take steps to increase the salary of a personal assistant and special aid. Listen

Read phonetically



• January - the project The second ASCHF Week, funded by the Foundation for Civil Society Development (FDSC).
• October, Mangalia - International seminar The change starts with me, held together with Save the Children - Romania and the organization Trebuie! For Children and Adults with Special Needs. The seminar sought to identify the most pressing problems to influence legislation and gathered 100 participants from 11 countries.
• 3rd National Parent’s Conference on the theme of Polio sequelae.
• is established Neamt branch. 



• project Integration through the full use of the wheel chair, funded by the European Union Phare Lien.
• took place the contest My Rights, for 10 years since the ratification of the Convention on Child Rights, With the help of UNICEF in Romania, postcards and envelopes were printed with pictures selected in the competition.
• was held the summer camp for children and families.
• Neamt branch inaugurated the physical therapy cabinet.
• Olt branch opened day care center Danubius.
• took place the 4th Parent’s National Conference on the theme of cerebral palsy - School age child, issues and opportunities.



• is opened in Pitesti the National Service and Distribution Center of means of help that provides repair for the means of help belonging to members of the organization and other persons.
• June - ASCHF-R participating in the NGOs fair FAR 2000, organized by Civil Society Development Foundation.
• October, Elisabeta Palace - 5th edition of the Parent’s National Conference with the theme Integrating the young disabled person into labour.

• December - ASCHF-R involved in the actions of the project initiated by ONPHR Human rights week, consisting in disseminate in schools the information about the needs of access of young people with disabilities.



2001 - International Year of Volunteers
Give the communication a chance - a project funded by the U.S. Embassy.

•  the project Training the specialized personnel in the subsidiaries ASCHF-R, funded by the Canadian Embassy.
• the 3rd  edition of the work of Dr. Nicolae RobÄ�nescu Neuromotor reeducation, published with financial support from the organization.
• ASCHF-R was awarded with the French Republic's Human Rights Award, a prize that is awarded each year for five activities held worldwide for the protection and promotion of human rights, in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The award was handed to Mrs Diana Chiriacescu, director of the Aurora Day Center in Bucharest, by the French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, and recognizes the contribution that the center has regarding the children's fundamental rights: the right to education right to care, right from childhood, the right to a normal life in the family.
• 6th Parent’s National Conference on the theme of Day care centers - alternative education and rehabilitation for children with disabilities. As a continuation of discussions at the conference ASCHF-R branches initiated a series of workshops with the theme Partnerships between local authorities and NGOs.


School, a world for all - project aiming school and social integration of children with disabilities. Spaces were accesibilised  in School no. 116 of Bucharest by building two ramps, have been adapted toilet cabins on the ground floor of the school, classes were arranged (equipped with benches for wheelchair users) and room sport.
• ASCHF-R contributes to developing alternative report on the situation of children in Romania presented by NGOs active in child protection in Geneva.
• May 18th  - Extraordinary Congress ASCHF-R, Bucharest
• Summer Camp took place for the child and family

• 7th Parent’s National Conference on the theme of Disabled person - law and reality. 



2003 - European Year of People with Disabilities
• February – Cozia Day Center, Valcea Branch is inaugurated (PHARE funding).
• June - Ana Day Center is inaugurated, Buzau Branch.
• February - May, the project Volunteers and professionals - together for better services for children and youth with disabilities. The project was funded by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Romania and organizational development aimed to train professionals and volunteers from branches ASCHF-R in order to improve services offered to children and young people with physical disabilities.
• in March was released together with specialists from the National Authority for Persons with Handicap The  system of special protection for people with disabilities in Romania. The book is designed for all those interested in disability issues, including laws governing the special protection of persons with disabilities.
• established 2 branches: Calarasi, Giurgiu.
• the project Together we will develop better, funded by the Princess Margareta of Romania. The project's main objective: promoting the rights of children and young people with physical disabilities and the image of these people.

• In May, Dr. Liliana Padure, doctor at Hospital Marie Curie and a member of Arges branch, has launched with ASCHF-R, Botulinum toxin in treating spasticity at children. Presents information on botulinum toxin and its mode of action and its results in the treatment of children with cerebral motor infirmity. The book is addressed to both specialists and parents of children with such a diagnosis.
• Summer Camp took place for children and families.
• June 20th  - was launched the Centre for children with disabilities in the IMPACT project, developed in partnership by the Day Center Aurora, Motivation, organization TREBUIE!
• 8th Parent’s National Conference on the theme Recovery, where and how?. The conference ended with the drafting of a resolution which was sent to non-governmental organizations and public institutions with competence in the area of disability.



• March ASCHF-R has undergone a comprehensive evaluation process initiated by Rada Barnen, Sweden aiming to evaluate the development stage of the organization after 15 years of financing.

• the project – More, stronger, funded by the Princess Margareta of Romania,

• On June 1st, ASCHF-R and the organization TREBUIE! organized a street festival Butterfly children fiesta.

• 7th  - 9th June, the Day Center Aurora organized together with ASCHF-R, International Seminar of organizations of parents of children with disabilities in Europe Together for our children, with representatives from Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.
• Summer Camp took place for the child and family

•ASCHF-R became a founding member of the federation PARRO which aims to develop community services.
• ASCHF-R was involved in discussions on the Law no. 519/2002.




• In April, ended the comprehensive assessment of organizations funded by Radda Barnen, Sweden. ASCHF-R organized to celebrate 15 years of existence, a show and an exhibition of works by children from branches

• April 16th - the eighth Annual General Meeting

• ASCHF-R World Bank funded project Information - a right for all! in partnership with Caritas. The project aims to improve information for people with disabilities in Romania on public and private social services eligible for social integration.

• Summer Camp took place for the child and family



• In February 2006, ending the project Information - a right for all! The Guide was published and distributed services to people with disabilities comprise approximately 1150 services.
• project Steps toward development - Training of volunteers and professionals active in the Association of Support for Children with Physical Disabilities - Romania, financed by PHARE. The project goal was the development of the organization by training volunteers and professionals active in ASCHF-R. It was drafted and edited the Handbook of Procedures ASCHF-R as a tool for people accountable in the Governing Board.
•  Summer Camp took place for the child and family

• 18 wheelchairs were repaired, crutches, walking frames and other specific materials.
• the headquarters of national organization was substantially renovated.


• since 2006 and during 2007, was conducted project Get involved yourself!, funded by USAID through World Learning International Program in Social Responsibility and Strengthen Civil Society (RCSS Programme) which aimed to improve ASCHF-R communication between members of the organization, ensuring the organizational development.
• project Respect for the right to education of children with disabilities (Constanta Prahova subsidiaries) which aimed to increase awareness and information on the situation of access to education for children with disabilities and improving the implementation of legislation and influencing public authorities to ensure access to education of children with disabilities.
• Summer Camp took place for the child and family


• April 19th - Annual General Meeting
• throughout the year were held four working sessions of the Board of Directors - ASCHF-R
• the workshop moved into a new building built by the Arges County Council and made available under a partnership project between ASCHF-R, ASCHF-R Arge? Branch, Arge? County Council by DGASPC.
• Summer Camp took place for the child and family


• April 25th , Bucharest - have been AGA and extraordinary AGA to amend the Statute ASCHF-R
• 5 workshops of the Board of Directors - ASCHF-R
• A project started ASCHF-Know my world, in partnership with its branches, financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA). Project goal: promoting social inclusion and access to social services for children / young people with physical and / or member and their families.
• the workshop repaired and distributed the following means of prosthetics - 86 wheelchairs, 21 walking frames, nine pairs of crutches, three tricycles and other devices.
• Summer Camp took place for the child and family


• April 24, Bucharest - the Annual General Meeting
• project Meet my world ends on August 31st
• the project Turn disability in ability, funded by the transition Facility 2007/19343.03.03. The project aims to create equal opportunities for inclusion and participation for young people with physical disabilities.
• Summer Camp took place for the child and family

• ASCHF-R is actively involved in lobbying and advocacy as a result of efforts of MMFPS to amend the Law. 448/2006.

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Adresa de sesizari:

Asociatia de sprijin a copiilor handicapati fizic Romania
Address : Bucuresti, G-ral Haralambie nr.36, sector 4
Tel/fax : +40-21.337.1875
Tel : +40-21.335.4370